Maria Scordialos

living wholeness ltd

My Story

My upbringing within an international environment has shaped who I am. My parents, Greeks from Egypt, endowed me with strong Greek roots, yet also taught me, by the way they lived life, that these roots can be planted in many different soils. This has shaped me into being a citizen of the world, being able to adapt, embrace diversity, yet also stay directly connected to my own traditions and roots. From a young age, I used my imagination through play to create narratives and worlds. Friendship, loyalty and trust have been the core ingredients from which I live my life. This taught me to strongly love humanity and have a deep faith in our role in life. I have made this my work, which is mainly about inviting people to meet in their humanity and for their humanity.

For the past 10 years, I have found that this happens mostly in the cracks of our present world, where we loosen from our comfort and begin to seed ourselves into discovering new ways of living and working. This has lead me to offer my work in communities, institutions, organisations - the spaces where people come together to create life.

My Work

My work spans the levels of one-to-one, small group and large scale processes. I offer my work to a diverse range of contexts whether organisational development, community building, multi-stakeholder dialogues or supporting personal leadership mastery. My expertise is in participatory leadership which seeks new collective knowledge, as well as working with complex challenges that require new solutions.

How do we transmute complex challenges into opportunities for growth?


Collective Intelligence
I support organisations, strategic partnerships, and communities to come together at moments when there is a need to change or evolve. I do this through creating events, gatherings or conferences into learning ecologies where people come together to exchange different perspectives in a collaborative way so that new collective intelligence can emerge from the diversity...


Living Systems Paradigm
As one of the co-initiators of the Art of Hosting and Harvesting Meaningful Conversations which is a training, approach and world wide network, I offer a three day experiential training with other co-hosts that teaches a living systems paradigm in how organisations, communities, teams and individuals can operate. It teaches people a new world view as well as methods and skills in how to work with uncertainty and complexity generatively...

Practicing & Applying

New Forms of Organising
A significant part of my work is in applying new forms of organising and cultures of working. Inspired by a living systems perspective, I work with strategic partnerships and organisations that are experimenting and searching on the edge for new forms of living and working. This work takes the form of Social Labs, Projects seeking innovation in policy making, reframing of bio/political regions, learning from Indigenous Practices and organisational culture change programmes...


Inner with Outer Performance
Working with complexity and ambiguity, requires personal mastery and leadership that aligns the inner condition of individuals with the external context in order to produce performance that has impact and value. I work on a one to one basis, with individuals who are either in leadership positions within organisations or who are initiating new projects or inquiries. My work is to help them navigate the complexity and ambiguity they face in their work by supporting them to look within themselves in order to find the best way forward...

Foundations of My Work

My work is founded on a living systems worldview, which invites us to create through participation, relationship and an interconnection. Diversity and plurality are necessary for creating any ecosystem, providing that the spectrum of difference is seen as working together to create a greater whole. Complementing and collaboration is more important than competition. Conflict and crisis are opportunities for transforming, letting go what no longer serves and opening up to what could work. Uncertainty and unpredictability are not enemies to be controlled, instead they are conditions that can help navigate from one known state to a new one. Chaos and Order are seen as natural states that allow evolution and growth. Human systems are living systems that flourish when allowed to self organise around a purpose of meaning.

Listen & Watch

Greece, democracy reborn
through participation

Maria Scordialos at TEDxLeiden

The Greek in all of us

Maria Scordialos at TEDxLeiden

Reconnecting to the
Strength We Have

Interview with Charles Eisenstein

What is Art of Hosting?

AoH Egypt 2011 Interview with participants

Living is a form of not being sure, not knowing what next or how. The moment you know how, you begin to die a little. The artist never entirely knows. We guess. We may be wrong, but we take leap after leap in the dark.

- Agnes de Mille ~ chorégraphe, danseuse et metteur en scène américaine, (1905 1993)

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