European Commission, DG Market

Social Business Initiative Conference

This conference entitled, Have Your Say, was a celebration of the emerging social business sector in Europe.  The conference was attended by 2000 people who were given the opportunity to either attend Information Sessions on European policy development and funding programmes, Inquire together using participatory methods such as Open Space Technology and World Café, hear inspirational speakers, and network with others.  In addition, people were able to post their issues and discuss them at a central place and the whole process was captured by a graphic recording.  The conference brought together a diverse group stakeholders from across Europe from social entrepreneurs, financiers, local, regional and European wide authorities, non profit organisations, health sector professionals, organic product producers, etc. The conference culminated with a Declaration for Social Businesses that was the collective knowledge of the conference, created by collecting information from the different information sessions and conversations.

Living is a form of not being sure, not knowing what next or how. The moment you know how, you begin to die a little. The artist never entirely knows. We guess. We may be wrong, but we take leap after leap in the dark.

- Agnes de Mille ~ chorégraphe, danseuse et metteur en scène américaine, (1905 1993)

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